What is customer requirements management?

Written By
Patrik Björklund
Patrik Björklund
October 4, 2024
Customer Requirements Management

Customer requirement management is the process required to identify, analyze, prioritize, address, and monitor customer demands on us as an organization. It is a system to ensure that we as an organization meet customer expectations and other demands placed on us. This can involve gathering requirements from customers, communicating actions taken to meet demands, documenting changes, and implementing improvements.

What do we need to do?

Customer requirement management involves first identifying customer demands. This is appropriately done by collecting information from the customer industries and the organization's most important customers, such as from their supplier agreements and related terms, their websites, during negotiations with customers identifying important demands on the organization, conducting environmental monitoring regarding current and intended customer industries.

Depending on the industries your customers operate in and the type of business you conduct, the demands may be more formal and are often related to industry agreements, standards, or legal requirements.


Once requirements have been identified, they are analyzed to determine if each requirement is realistically achievable for our business. This means first identifying if the requirement should reasonably include our business. It is quite common for companies to set the same criteria for all their suppliers regardless of what they deliver because it is easy for the customer to set a generic demand. But difficult for, for example, a service company to meet requirements that are actually directed at the customer's component suppliers. Thereafter, it should be investigated if there are any economic or other limitations that make it difficult or uninteresting to meet the demands at all. One should then have a good understanding of what it will require of the organization to meet the demands.

Prioritize and act

After the requirements have been analyzed, they are prioritized to ensure that the critical actions are taken first. Then measures to meet the requirements must be developed. This can involve implementing processes, improving the product or service, developing new features, improving customer service, or improving quality.


When actions have been developed, they must be communicated to customers, and it is important to document the changes and monitor customer expectations to ensure these are met.

Example of customer requirements

  • Requirement: Certification according to ISO 14001 or systematic environmental management work
  • Industry(ies): Automotive industry, Engineering industry, Construction industry
  • Specific Customers: Large Vehicle Manufacturer AB, Innovative Engineering Industry AB
  • Geographically Related: Nationally
  • Applicable to our organization?: Yes
  • Subject Area: Environment
  • Relevant to the company?: Yes
  • Summary of Requirement and/or Reason why it is not relevant for the company: Standard that regulates management's way of systematically working with the environment. For example, identification of substantial, environmental risk assessment, environmental objectives and management, deviation handling, and emergency management.
  • Summary of how the company meets the requirement: We have initiated a project to become certified according to ISO 14001 with the support of the digital management system AmpliFlow. We are expected to be certified in quarter X 20ÅÅ.
  • Relevant for Processes: Sales, Manufacturing, Delivery, Procurement & Purchasing, Continuous Improvements
  • Our Internal Knowledge Guru: Joakim Stenström

Who benefits from our customer requirement management work?

  • Salespersons: Customer requirement management is good for salespersons as it helps them focus on understanding what customers need, want, and especially why they need it. By understanding the customer's needs, salespersons can create solutions that better fit customer needs and achieve better results. It also helps improve customer loyalty by ensuring that even the demands customers do not directly talk about are met.
  • Purchasers: Identification of customer requirements affecting our choice of suppliers and how we ensure they meet them.
  • Customer Service Personnel: Customer service needs to understand customer needs and expectations to provide the best service based on the customer's conditions. Understanding the demands on us as an organization enables high-quality service that meets customer expectations.
  • Marketers: Marketers can benefit from customer requirement management to understand customer needs and expectations and create marketing that raises awareness among existing and new customers about how the business meets them. By managing customer requirements, marketers can ensure that their marketing is tailored to actual customer needs and that we market in the right way and on the right channels.
  • CEO: The CEO needs to understand customer needs and expectations to ensure that organizations can meet customer expectations cost-effectively. By managing customer requirements, the CEO can also ensure that the company is competitive and aligns with customer expectations.

IT tools

Effective customer requirement management requires IT tools such as:

  • CRM Systems: To collect and manage customer feedback (examples: HubSpot, Lime CRM, Salesforce).
  • Project Management Tools: To manage requirements and follow-up (examples: Microsoft Project, Trello).
  • Quality Management Tools: To ensure product or service quality.
  • Business Systems: To keep track of financial constraints (examples: Pyramid, SAP).
  • Communication Tools: To communicate customer demands and actions (examples: Microsoft Teams, Slack).


Customer requirement management is a critical process for all companies, regardless of size or industry.

By systematically identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing customer demands, companies can ensure they deliver products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations.

This not only leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty but also helps drive innovation, improve efficiency, and increase the company's competitiveness in the market. Furthermore, it creates value for different stakeholders within the company, including salespersons, product developers, customer service personnel, marketers, and the CEO. All companies, whether certified or not, should consider implementing robust systems and processes for customer requirement management as part of their overall business strategy.

Understanding your customer leads to success.

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